08.Importance of Recruitment and Selection Process

Importance of Recruitment and Selection Process

Recruitment and selection form a core part of the central activities underlying human resource management: namely, the acquisition, development and reward of workers (Edward, 2012). It frequently forms an important part of the work of human resource managers – or designated specialists within work organizations (Edward, 2012). However, and importantly, recruitment and selection decisions are often for good reason taken by non-specialists, by the line managers (Mullins, 1999). There is an important fact in which all managers are responsible in this, and where human resource departments rules, it may be that HR managers play more of a supporting advisory role to those people who will supervise or in other ways work with the new employee (Grobler, 2006).

Recruitment and selection is a crucial area. While it has always had the capacity to form a key part of the process of managing and leading people as a routine part of organizational life, it is suggested here that recruitment and selection has become an important as organizations considerably regard their manpower as a source of competitive advantage (Edward, 2012).

Mullins (1999) argued that organizations perform at utmost level, human resource management is the prominent element, it must be able to assist the organization to place the right person in the right job. The human resource management practices include recruitment, selection, placement, evaluation, training and development, compensation and benefits, and retention of the employees of an organization. Businesses have developed human resource information systems that support:

(i) Recruitment, selection, and hiring,

(ii) Job placement,

(iii) Performance appraisals,

(iv) Employee benefits analysis,

(v) Training and development, and

(vi) Health, safety, and security.

One of the activities of human resource management is recruiting and selecting which deal with the actions concerned, and the recruiting is also less frequently alerted in human resource information system recently (Mullins, 1999). Besides, e-recruitment on the web is the current trend for the recruitment and selection processes can further distinguish many activities of the processes. (Grobler, 2006) lists the essence of these in the following; build a pool of candidates for the job, have the applicants fill out application forms, utilize various selection techniques to identify viable job candidates, send one or more viable job candidates to their supervisor, have the candidate(s) go through selection interviews and determine to which candidate(s) an offer should be made.

There is quite a several importance of recruitment and selection in an organization’s human resource planning and its competitive strength. Increasing flexibility in the labor market, recruitment is becoming more and more important in every business nowadays (Sterwart, 2001). Competent human resources at the right positions in the organization are vital resources. It can be a core competency for the organization in the future. The prime objective of the recruitment and selection process is to obtain the number and quality of employees that can be selected to help the organization achieve its goals and grow in the future (Deseller, 2005).

As such, recruitment and selection helps to create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can choose the right applicant for the right job from the pool. Recruitment serves as the first step in fulfilling the needs of the organization for a competitive, motivated, and flexible human resource which leads to achieving its goals and objectives (Werther, 2006). Recruitment and selection are very much important for any organization as it determines the future performance of the individuals who are recruited within the organization. Due to the pressure from the supply of unemployed people, the recruitment and selection process is substantially influenced by different factors. The reason for this interference may be attributed to not only the inadequacy of the jobs but also the supply of graduates in the labor market. Observations show that this influence is 360 degree influence system. Sometimes, recruitment of people becomes ineffective and impossible to the HR people and they are hardly able to recruit the right person for the right job. (Islam & Habib, 2010).

The leading telecommunication industry, where I am attached in, is having utmost concern on recruiting of capable employees, as they should have to communicate with many different kinds of people and professionals. Companies always expect from the employees, they should have troubleshooting skill, quick thinking, and problem-solving skills to sustain growth and performance and compete with other growing same industries.



1.       Deseller, G. (2005). Human Resource Management ( 10th Ed). New Jersey: Pearson Education.

2.       Dessler. (2000). Human Resource Management.

3.       Edward Nartey, D. (2012). Recruitment and Selection Practices of Organization: Cas study of the HSC Bank. 10-15.

4.       Grobler, P. (2006). Human Resources Management in South Africa ( 2nd Ed). Thompson Hall pp 737 – 746.

5.       Islam, N., & Habib, W. (2010). Factors Affecting the Recruitment and Selection Process of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. 2-5.

6.       Mullins, L. J. (1999). Management and Organizational Behaviour. Person Education.

7.       Sterwart, E. (2001). Essentials of Managing Human Resources ( 1st Ed) Nelson Division. Division Company. pp 105—126.

8.       Werther, J. (2006). Human Resource and personnel Management (5th Ed). New York: McGraw-Hill Inc. pp 184-220.


  1. Recruitment and selection not only seek to attract, obtain, and retain the human resources the organization needs to achieve the strategic goals, but may also have significant impact upon the composition of the workforce, the ultimate fit with the organization's needs and culture, and upon long-range employment stability (Benat et al., 2012).

  2. Agreed.It is challenging to do the right recruiting and selection process within the organization because the selected candidate would be the hope and the investment for the organization to achieve its set objectives hence the right candidate would be carrying a huge responsibility towards their success. Hence it can be challenging because its a process of hiring a person with their profile details and not knowing the person individually if the person is actually capable (Newell,2005)


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