04.Principles of Recruitment and Selection

 Principles of Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection form a key part of human resource management: namely, the acquisition, development, and reward of workers (Edward Nartey, 2012). (Mullins, 2009) indicated that to be a high performing organization, human resource management must be able to assist the organization to place the right person in the right job. The human resource management practices include recruitment, selection, placement, evaluation, training and development, compensation and benefits, and retention of the employees of an organization.

The success of the organization is dependent to a major extent upon whether the selection of human resources has been made in an appropriate manner (Kapur, 2015). In the appropriate selection of human resources, it is vital to make sure that they can carry out their job duties following the job requirements (Kheller, 2017). The human resources of the organization need to be well-equipped in the implementation of managerial functions of planning, organizing, directing, staffing, coordinating, controlling, and leading. Furthermore, they need to augment their knowledge, competencies, and aptitude in terms of making use of advanced techniques in the implementation of tasks and functions (Harris, 2000). It is mandatory to formulate measures and programs that are essentials for the effective functioning of human resource management. Therefore, it can be stated that human resources need to be well-equipped and proficient in leading to the overall functioning of the organization (Morse & Popvich, 2010). The principles of recruitment and selection have been stated as follows (Kapur, 2015).

Clear Policy of Recruitment – The policy of recruitment must be definite and clear, so that it may be manageable to put into operation the same (Boloisi, 2005). The specific purpose of this is to structure the methods and procedures, necessary in the processes of recruitment and selection of human resources. Furthermore, organizations assign the employees and provide duties and responsibilities for the process of recruitment and selection. It needs to be ensured that all the steps and processes are carried out in a methodical manner (Kheller, 2017).

Observation of Rules and Policies – Organizations should be aware of the government rules and regulations, before formulating the policies of recruitment and selection (Acarlar & Bilgic, 2012). Organizations should understand this clearly before; they are going to implement recruitment and selection of human resources. Hence, it can be stated that observation of rules and policies will facilitate the implementation of tasks and functions in a well-organized manner. (Kapur, 2015)

Recruitment Policy in accordance to the Organization – The recruitment policies have to be following the goals and objectives of the organization (Carrol & Marchington, 2003). Organizations understand clearly that, when the process of recruiting and selecting human resources by the authorities should ensure they possess the essential knowledge, competencies, and abilities that are needed for the effective performance of job duties. In addition to this, the policies should be formulated in a perfect manner, which leads to the recruitment and selection of candidates, which may render a significant contribution in the achievement of organizational goals (Carrol & Marchington, 2003).

Flexibility – Flexibility is an important factor, which helps in bringing about changes (Mullins, 2009). For instance, when recruitment and selection of individuals takes place for technical positions, they must need to have computer skills and knowledge in that (Mullins, 2009). But when the training programs within the organization are conducted, which provide them training in terms of various computer skills, then the recruitment and selection of individuals are based on possession of basic technical skills. Furthermore, their skills can be honed by getting enrolled in training and development programs that have been initiated by the organizations (Mullins, 2009)

Impartiality – The recruitment policy must be an unbiased selection of the applicants, which should be assured. The applicants, who apply for jobs are different from each other based on several factors (Boloisi, 2005) These include caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, educational qualifications, attitudes, behavioral traits, and socio-economic background. When the candidates are to be recruited and selected, it is appropriate to conduct the analysis of factors, which may enable them to carry out their job duties satisfactorily (Beselie, 2010). These include educational qualifications, skills, aptitude, and personality traits. On the other hand, it is unlawful to discriminate based on factors, such as caste, creed, race, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, and socio-economic background. (Beselie, 2010)

Recruitment by Committee – The right to recruit the human resources needs to be assigned to the committee of capable, experienced, efficient, diligent, and conscientious officers of the organization (Kapur, 2015). The whole process of recruitment and selection should be carried out by the committee and not by any individual officer. The right of recruitment is assigned to the committee to ensure a fair selection of the individuals is made (Kapur, 2015).

The opportunity of Development to the Employee – When the people look for job opportunities in organizations, they have the primary objectives of making efficient use of their academic qualifications and competencies, firming their living style in a better way, magnifying their career potential and achieving organizational goals. The employees will be able to achieve these goals and objectives, when they are provided with the opportunities by the organization to depict as well as augment their skills and abilities (Grobler, 2006). Therefore, it can be stated, it is one of the indispensable principles of recruitment and selection to provide opportunities of development to the employees (Grobler, 2006).

Job Security – Job security is regarded as an essential aspect of individuals at all levels. When the individuals get appointed within the organizations, they not only are required to manure their knowledge and skills to implement their job duties satisfactorily, but they also need to ensure that their job is secure. To promote job security, there are certain aspects that need to be taken into consideration, these are, performing one’s job duties efficiently, maintaining good terms and relationships with other employees, healthy communication, decision making, and time management skills, maintaining punctuality and making use of technologies, materials, and other resources in an efficient manner (Kapur, 2015). It is vital for all members of the organization at all levels to generate information in terms of factors to enhance job security (Kapur, 2015).

Promoting Consistency – Promoting consistency in the recruitment and selection processes will help the individuals in implementing their job duties in a well-organized manner (Alsabba & Ibrahim, 2013). They can ensure that they make a selection of the right individuals in the right positions at the right time. The consistency principle states that once one adopts an accounting principle or method, they need to continue to follow it consistently in the future. Only the changes taking place in the principle or method if the new version in some way improves reported financial results. If such changes are to be implemented, then the members of the organization need to make sure, consistency is promoted (Alsabba & Ibrahim, 2013)

Modernization of Production and Services –. Human resource management and training are regarded as crucial for the modernization of the processes of recruitment and selection (Torrington, Derrick, & Hall, 2005). In the present existence, with the advent of modernization and globalization, individuals are making use of scientific and innovative methods in the processes of recruitment and selection. Therefore, it can be stated, modernization of production and services is regarded as an important principle of recruitment and selection (Torrington, Derrick, & Hall, 2005)






1.                   Acarlar, G., & Bilgic, R. (2012). Factors influencing applicant willingness to apply for the advertised job opening: the mediational role of credibility, satisfaction, and attraction. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 50-77.


2.                   Alsabba, M., & Ibrahim, H. (2013). Recruitment and Selection Process and Employee Competency Outcome: An Important Area for Future Research. Human Resource Management Research, 82-90.


3.                   Beselie, P. (2010). Strategic Human Resource Management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education


4.                   Boloisi, W. (2005). Human Resource Management; Theory and practice. Boston: McGraw Hill Education


5.                   Carrol, M., & Marchington, M. (2003). Recruitment in small firms – processes, methods, and problems. Employee Relations. 236-250


6.                   Edward Nartey, D. (2012). Recruitment and Selection Practices of Organization: Cas study of the HSC Bank. 10-15.

7.                   Grobler, P. (2006). Human Resources Management in South Africa (2nd Ed). Thompson Hall pp 737 – 746.

8.                   Harris, M. (2000). Human Resource Management – A Practical Approach (2nd Ed). Harcourt Inc. pp 124 – 166

9.                   Kapur, R. (2015). Importance of Recruitment and Selection. 15-20

10.               Kheller, C. (2017). Recruitment Policy & Procedures

11.               Morse, B., & Popvich, P. (2010). Realistic recruitment practices in organizations: The potential benefits of generalized expectancy calibration. Human Resource Management Review.

12.               Mullins, L. J. (2009). Management and Organizational Behavior. Person Education

13.               Torrington, Derrick, & Hall. (2005). Human Resource Management, (6th Ed). Pearson Education: pp 124-158



  1. The recruitment process flowchart should be simplicity and which is extremely valuable for that. The process can be almost unique for each job commencement. Organizations have to follow the right level of summarization to set the right process. It is just not tool for the recruitment process, but it’s also to orientate of organization’s job vacancies (Desseler, 2015).

    1. Thank you Krishna Agree on your views. Apart from your views, Sheeba and Latha (2019) argues that, traditional methods of talent acquisition do not always yield good results while organizations should concentrate on various innovative recruitment methods like; open-ended job postings, gamification, go on the field and gigiatal tools (survey monkeys) to attract passive job seekers who are more competent for the available positions

  2. Yes, Employee recruitment can be defined as a collection of applications and the employment of a new candidate by an organization (Breaugh, 2008). Likewise, Acikgoz (2018) states that there is a difference in the type of recruitment. In particular, some recruitment practices aim at attracting job-seeking individuals (i.e., active job seekers), whilst others target individuals who are currently employed by other organizations or who are not currently participating in the workforce but are open to employment opportunities

    1. Thank you Chandana, When selection of the employees takes place, it is vital to ensure that they possess the desired qualifications, skills and abilities that are required to perform the job duties in a well-organized manner (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).

  3. Agreed. The prime objective of recruitment and selection of any company is to hire the right person for the right job so that the company as well as the employee can benefit (Kapur, 2018). Realizing the importance of recruitment and selection, it is essential the company understands what factors affect the process.

    1. Thank you Nuwan, It is the process of interviewing the candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are necessary for a specific job and then selection of the candidates is made for the right positions. The selection of right candidates for the right positions will help the organization to achieve its desired goals and objectives. When selection of the employees takes place, it is vital to ensure that they possess the desired qualifications, skills and abilities that are required to perform the job duties in a well-organized manner (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).

  4. Agreed with you.Many firms' inability to attract and employ diverse personnel is due to unconscious biases (Collings, 2014).Employing objectively benefits a firm since it allows recruiters to hire the best person for a specific job without stereotypes interfering, aside from meeting legal requirements. As a result, senior management referrals and personal recommendations will introduce biases into the selection process, making it difficult to choose the best candidate for the job (Collings, 2014).

    1. Agreed with your view Menupa, in addition to this recruitment has become more vital of organizations in current context because attracting and selecting a proper candidate from outside is difficult and time consuming hence most of the organizations are practicing online recruitment which reduce time and cost further online and social media recruitment gives the real view of candidate thus organization could decide whether this person is suitable for organizations requirement and culture (Muduli and Trivedi, 2020).

  5. Agreed and to add. Piloting recruitment techniques should be undertaken to streamline the processes for the major project. During the recruitment process, it is preferable if the research personnel employed for the study are directly responsible for identifying and screening potential participants to reduce the role that any gatekeepers play (Wilson and Rose, 1998).

    1. A method of recruitment can be described by through which a potential employer is can organize a group of potential job candidates. Fundamentally, there are two paths preferably described as method of recruitment. Which is internal recruitment and external recruitment

  6. Agreed, The factors affecting recruitment and selection are organized into the internal and the external categories. The internal factors have been stated as follows: Size of the Organization, Recruitment Policy, Image of the Organizations, Image of Jobs.(KAPUR, Recruitment and Selection, 2016).

    1. Thank you Roshini, Also, HR department responsible to choose the right person or best qualified candidate for the post for organization needs (Abdullah & Othman, 2019).

  7. Agreed. Recruitment and selection are an important operation in the HRM, designed to maximize employee potential in order to meet the employers strategic goals and objectives (Dessler, 2003).

    1. The objective of this research paper is to determine the recruitment and selection procedures in organizations, and finding out the methodologies that are involved in the process. Moreover, finding out how being qualified and having certificates affects the recruitment process, and how different criteria such as gender, race, and culture effect on
      it as well.

  8. Agreed. On the other hand, considering online recruitment collaborations with identified organizational factors, as argued, influence mitigate to organizations cost, time likewise (Parry and Wilson, 2009).

    1. Thank you Amila. (Henderson and Bowley,2010) state using social media during the recruitment campaign can affect the authenticity of the organization. Further, this source is very useful when reaching the young crowd.

  9. Adeyemi et al. (2015) state that recruitment and selection process should treat fairly to every employee in a company and all employees should be appraised periodically to ensure that they improve their performance.

    1. Thank you Menaka, Organizations understand clearly that, when the process of recruiting and selecting human resources by the authorities should ensure they possess the essential knowledge, competencies, and abilities that are needed for the effective performance of job duties. In addition to this, the policies should be formulated in a perfect manner, which leads to the recruitment and selection of candidates, which may render a significant contribution in the achievement of organizational goals (Carrol & Marchington, 2003).

  10. Considering the principles of recruitment in finding the the best fit, Kapur (2018) explains that having multi stage selection process, considering internal candidates, useage of multiple techniques are some of the key principles.

    1. Yes Udaya Thank you , in addition it is mandatory to formulate measures and programs that are essentials for the effective functioning of human resource management. Therefore, it can be stated that human resources need to be well-equipped and proficient in leading to the overall functioning of the organization (Morse & Popvich, 2010). The principles of recruitment and selection have been stated as follows (Kapur, 2015).

  11. Agreed. An effective recruitment and selection policy not only fulfills the requirements of a job but also ensures that an organization will continue to maintain its commitment to providing equal opportunity to employees (Scarellt Erin).

    1. Thank you Sanjeewani, The employees will be able to achieve these goals and objectives, when they are provided with the opportunities by the organization to depict as well as augment their skills and abilities (Grobler, 2006).

  12. Thank you Nimna, The specific purpose of this is to structure the methods and procedures, necessary in the processes of recruitment and selection of human resources. Furthermore, organizations assign the employees and provide duties and responsibilities for the process of recruitment and selection. It needs to be ensured that all the steps and processes are carried out in a methodical manner (Kheller, 2017).

  13. Recruitment and selection not only seek to attract, obtain, and retain the human resources the organization needs to achieve the strategic goals, but may also have significant impact upon the composition of the workforce, the ultimate fit with the organization's needs and culture, and upon long-range employment stability (Benat et al., 2012).


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