03.Selection Methods



It is the process of selecting people who have the required qualifications to fulfill vacant in an organization. Selection is bigger than just   picking the best candidate. It is a win-win situation between what the applicant can effort and what wants to do and what the organization needs.


“Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes –

those who are to be offered employment and those who are not.” (Yodder, 1970)


Why employee Selection is important?

Although the organizations attract many candidates by using internal and external sourcing

methods the most challenging task is to select the ideal candidate for the vacancy. Throughout

the selection process it is vital to remember that if the organization does not select the right

candidate, it will impact significantly to achieve its competitive edge.

The fundamentals of Testing and Selecting Workforces is (Reliability, Validity)



It is a test’s primary main requirement and refers to its uniformity. A test is said to be reliable only when the result an result is consistent on matching test obtained form same person at two different occasion.



It procedures to prove that something is correct. In other words, validity tells us whether the test is determining what we think it’s supposed to be measuring.

Validity can be of following types:

  1. Content validity: Content validity means, the content of the test item correlates highly with the job content. Same like, the content that select for data entry test is a demonstrative sample of what the individual needs to know for the career, then the test is probably content valid.
  2. Predictive validity: It means the performance of an employees or test score highly correlates with the future requirement of the job.
  3. Concurrent validity: It means, the degree to which test score correlates with job performance
  4. Construct validity: It means the relation between the job and its score in practical aspects. Same like, the range to which the test measures the psychological quality or quantifies the physical feature of an individual


Figure 1. Selection Process


Types of tests


1.       Aptitude tests

2.       Achievement tests

3.       Situational tests

4.       Interest tests

5.       Personality test


Aptitude Tests

 These tests measure whether an individual has the capacity or covert ability to learn a given job if given adequate training. Aptitudes can be separated into general and mental ability or ability and exact aptitude such as clerical, mechanical, manipulative capacity.


In connection with the company I work for, Aptitude tests are the primary selection method for clerical grades and non-executive positions such as Customer experience associates, Billing Collection officers, Device sales agents. 


 Achievement Tests

 These tests are led when candidate claims to know something as these tests are concerned with what one has qualified. These tests are more beneficial to measure the value of exact success when an organization wishes to employ knowledgeable applicants. These tests are classified into two categories such as job knowledge tests and work sample test.

 The company which I’m employed at, practices this achievement test based on the past performance history


Situational Test

This test assesses a applicant in a similar real-life situation. In this test the candidates are asked either to cope with the situation or solve critical situations of the job.

 The company which I’m employed at, practices specially to select next level in the hierarchy for the executive staff, who has the job description while looking after the operation on their immediate supervisor not available or leave


Interest Test

 These tests are lists of the likes and dislikes of applicants in relation to work, occupations, job, hobbies and entertaining activities. The purposes of this test is to find out whether a applicant is interested or unbiassed in the job for which he is a applicant and to find out in which area of the job range the candidate is interested.


Personality Tests

 These tests show extremely to determine clues to an individual’s worth system, individual’s sensitive reactions and maturity and characteristic mood. They are expressed in such qualities like self-confidence, emotional control, decisiveness, hopefulness, friendliness, traditionalism, independence, tolerance, fear, distrust, creativity, decision domination or submission, sympathy, impulsiveness, integrity, stability and self-confidence.



1.       Djabatey, E., (2012). Recruitment and Selection Practices of Organisations, A Case Study of HFC Bank (Gh) Ltd. Commonwealth Executive Master Of Business Administration. Institute of Distance Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

 2.       Grensing-Pophal, L. (2002). The do’s and don’ts of recruiting from within [SHRM white paper]. [Online] Available at www.shrm.org/hrresources/whitepapers, Accessed on 20th of August 2021

 3.       Garner, B. A. (Ed.). (1999). A handbook of basic law terms. St. Paul, MN: West Group

 4.       Galbreath. R. (2000). Employee turnover hurts small and large organization profitability [SHRM white paper]. [Online], Available at www.shrm.org/hrresources/whitepapers, Accessed on 20th of August 2021

 5.       Koster, M., (2002). Human Resource Management: Classical Selection Methods And Alternatives

6.       Mondy, R. W. (2008). Human resource management (10th ed.). Prentice Hall, NJ: Pearson

 7.       Swabnepoel, B, Eramus, B, Van Wylk, M, & Schenk, H. (2003). South African human resource management: Theory and practice.Cape Town: Juta

8.       Walker, H. J, Feild, H. S, Giles, W. F, Armenakis, A. A, & Bernerth, J. B. (2009). Journalof Applied Psychology, 94(5), 1354-1364.


  1. agreed while adding more, written tests, interviews, background checks, medical tests, and application review could all be used to find the perfect candidate. The application evaluations are usually the initial selection tool employed by most firms (Chandrashekar & Sahin, 2014). However, this will overlook personality qualities and interpersonal abilities in favour of focusing on the candidates' paper qualifications and experience, resulting in the most suited employee being overlooked.

    1. Thank you Menupa it was select based on the main requirement and selection is the process of selecting a subset of all available features in a corpus to enhance the efficacy of prediction models (Chandrashekar & Sahin, 2014;Koller & Sahami, 1996). As the number of features increases, the problem of finding an optimal subset that models the target outcome becomes intractable because it is computationally impractical to evaluate all possible subsets of features (Kohavi and John, 1997)

  2. Yes. The result that selection decision making is accomplished through selectors’ ongoing practical deliberation, rather than in a step-wise manner, has some major implications for employee selection research. One of the most significant concerns the point of departure for studying selection decision making in practice

    1. Yes Chandana Agreed and psychometric test comes into play which evaluates a person’s emotional stability to perform a desired job role. This includes the evaluation of the employee’s leadership skills, stress management traits, decision making ability and relative response to any emotion (Djabatey, 2012)

  3. Agreed, there are internal and external method of selection, external methods- cognitive ability tests, personality tests, integrity tests) internal methods- situational further KSA-based method is for both internal and external methods(Pulakos, 2005). Gusdorf(2008) mentioned about this in his SHRM document as selection of employees has to be done by evaluating appropriate qualifications for sufficient number of employees in correct time.

    1. Thank you Thushari, in addition A similar situation is created under realistic and standardized conditions where the individual is required to demonstrate his/her competency. Its primary purpose is to evaluate what one can do rather than what one knows (Cascio and Phillips, 1979).

  4. Agreed. Recruitment can be a costly event for an organization. One easy and a cost saving method of recruiting can be contacting an individual who has been present for an interview with the organization earlier (Kapur, 2018).

    1. Agreed with your view, in addition to this, selection is a process of deploying a suitable person hence in the competitive environment selection is very vital activity further proper selection would link with organization’s performance, improving employee retention, avoiding financial losses, enhancing the use of human capital and achieving competitive advantages (Robert Edenborough, 2005).

  5. Yes, also, according to (Smerek, 2018), the employee selection process is a key driver to other personnel activities, especially work analysis and employee needs planning. Only after the implementation of the above activities a selection goal can be established, which builds the enterprise’s selection strategy, respectively the selection process

    1. Valid point Krishna. In addition to that, the technology has created both problems and opportunities to business firms. There are very recruitment methods using online sources. But the inflow of unqualified applicants has been a problem for a prolonged time. This may reduce the cost-effectiveness of the process. Screening tools such as qualification requirements and age limits can assist the screening process(Lievens and Chapman ,2010)

  6. Agreed. Recruitment process into nine simple and actionable steps as; 1) Identify Your Needs, 2) Prepare the Job Description, 3) Create a Recruitment Plan, 4. Start Searching, 5. Recruit Top-Tier Candidates, 6. Conduct a Phone Screening, 7. Interview in Person, 8. Offering the Job and 9. Onboarding a New Employee (Daren, 2019).

    1. Yes Agreed khalid,In addition to the ‘Classic trio’ namely Application Forms, References and Interviews, organizations explore the possibilities of carrying out alternative selection methods such as Aptitude tests, Physical Ability tests, Assessment Centres, Psychometric tests, & Work Sample tests (Koster, 2002).

  7. Agreed, recruitment process may be a costly to the organization, but having a proper one will benefitted the both organization and its employees. same time it will create good organizational culture witch always positively effects on achieving organizational goals.

    1. Thank you Roshini. further, (Kapur, 2018) stated that, Recruitment can be a costly event for an organization. One easy and a cost saving method of recruiting can be contacting an individual who has been present for an interview with the organization earlier.

  8. Aptitude tests are incredibly useful predictors of job performance and thus very often help in making a selection. Typically, these tests include multiple choice questions and are done with paper and pencil or via computer (Pulakos 2005).

    1. Yes agreed Menaka, In addition Assessment Centres comprise of multiple methods of selection and often treated as one of the most complex methods as it may include one or more structured interviews, work sample tests and aptitude tests. Organizations should ensure that an effective evaluation process would be in place so that the results of all the methods used, can be amalgamated into one assessment (Roberts, G.,1997).

  9. Yes Nimna Agreed, it will be a huge hit for the organization and adding to your point Sometimes leaders perceive that there is too much diversity in the assumptions governing management decisions and they bring this issue into the open by introducing a technology that forces decision-making premises and styles into consciousness


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